Hans Feyerabend, Work 2011 - 2 |
Closer |
Gang of Four |
Heroes |
Not Here |
Ponce de Leon |
Tell Me More |
Txt Me |
Little Red Riding Hood |
Glitter Girl |
I-95 Overpass |
Cathedral |
Brickell IV |
1, Closer, Mixed Media on Canvas, 56” x 44”
2, Gang of Four, Mixed Media on Canvas, 26” x 36”, Private Collection, Little Rock, AR
3, Heroes, Mixed Media on Wood, 50” x 38”
4, Not Here, Mixed Media on Canvas, 36” x 36”
5, Ponce de Leon, Oil on Canvas, 30” x 22”, Private Collection, Little Rock, AR
6, Tell Me More, Mixed Media on Wood, 54” x 48”
7, Txt Me, Mixed Media on Wood, 42” x 48”
8, Little Red Riding Hood, Mixed Media on Canvas, 44” x 84”
9, Glitter Girl, Mixed Media on Canvas, 58” x 30”
10, I-95 Overpass, Mixed Media on Canvas , 46” x 70”
11, Cathedral, Mixed Media on Canvas , 78” x 46”
12, Brickell IV , Mixed Media on Canvas, 66” x 36” x 2